
The latest news about the CMCiB. For more news of research at the IGTP, please see our main website.

The CMCiB awarded the certificate for Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) for preclinical research

The Centre for Comparative Medicine and Bioimage (CMCiB) of the Germans Trias I Pujol Research Institute has been awarded the certificate for complying with good laboratory practices (GLP) in line with the European Directive 2004/9/CE. The centre complies with the principles established by the Spanish Royal Decree 822/19932 for carrying out preclinical studies with healthcare products (analytical tests, clinical chemistry - haematology and biochemistry - in studies administrating trial products, obtaining samples and biocompatibility of healthcare products). The areas certified are the surgical and bioimage areas, including the technology of vascular radiology interventions, ultrasound scan and magnetic resonance.

A framework agreement with the IGTP allows researchers from the Clínic-IDIABAPS to access the Centre for Comparative Medicine and Bioimage of Catalonia (CMCiB)

The Fundació Clínic and the Germans Trias I Pujol Research Institute have signed a framework agreement to provide access to researchers from the Clínic-IDIBAPs to the services of the Centre for Comparative Medicine and Bioimage of Catalonia (IGTP-CMCiB).

The Catalan Minister Gemma Geis visits the Centre for Comparative Medicine and Bioimage (IGTP-CMCiB)

The Minister for Research and Universities of the Government of Catalonia, Gemma Geis visited the Centre for Comparative Medicine and Bioimage (IGTP-CMCiB) this morning. The Minister was accompanied by the Director of Knowledge Transfer, Xavier Aldeguer and they were able to tour the facilities at the centre and learn about the different projects being carried out.

Time is Brain, Spin-off company from the IGTP, closes its financing round in little more than an hour

The seed-funding round for the IGTP Spin-off Time is Brain has reached its financing objective in record time almost as soon as it opened. The company opened the round on the platform Capital Cell and has not only reached the goal of 640,000, but has passed it and received 800,000, the figure the spin-off had set as a maximum.

Biomaterial scaffolds containing extracellular vesicles from stem cells to control and promote heart muscle repair after heart attack

Scientists of the ICREC group at the Germans Trias i Pujol Research institute (IGTP) continue to refine their technology for repairing cardiac tissue after a heart attack.  In a paper published in Bioactive Materials they present their latest work in which they use implanted scaffolds containing no cells, but extracellular vesicles that promote the repair of myocardium damaged in a heart attack.

The CMCiB contributes to a new e-book on researcher and animal safety

A new e-book published by the Journal Laboratory Equipment, called Safe and Effective Research in the Vivarium features a case study from the Centre for Comparative Medicine and Bioimage of the IGTP (CMCiB-IGTP). Staff from the CMCiB have provided expert advice on aspects of safety.